Ron's Blog
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Well, I haven't updated this that much lately...

I skated the Saint Paul Inline Marathon last weekend, followed up with a trip north to my Grandma's funeral. Fun, then not fun. So I'm looking forward to some rest this weekend...

Maybe I'll put up some bookshelves. <grin>

I do have my marathon results up online at ronspace now...

Sunday, August 01, 2004
I can't quite seem to get into the hang of updating this daily (or more often), but here's another update:

I'm enjoying Defcon 12 this weekend, and there have been some great talks. One of the best was Dan Kaminsky's talk on fun that can be had with DNS. Basically, one can use DNS to forward data (similar to http-tunneling), and Dan demonstrated both forwarding SSH and live audio streams using only DNS.

What makes this cool is two things:

I was very impressed...

Everyone else has one...

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Location: Minnesota, United States
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