Ron's Blog
Thursday, April 29, 2004
Well, yesterday wasn't fun...

I applied security updates to a server before leaving for the evening on Tuesday, and left while it was rebooting. Not a good idea...

When I checked on the server from at home, I was unable to reach it. So I came in early yesterday morning, hoping I could get things running quickly. Turns out it was in a reboot loop with a corrupted registry.

Digging around, I found the procedure MS KB 307545: How to Recover from a Corrupted Registry That Prevents Windows XP from Starting which gave me a work-around to get things working for the day.
Then in the evening I tried running chkdsk on the C: drive, and the Windows 2000 Registry Repair Utility, but neither did the trick. I ended up checking each of the files, and it was the c:\winnt\system32\config\software registry file that was mangled. I replaced it with the old copy from c:\winnt\repair\ and had success (AD now running). I had to reinstall the Win2K components I added after initial installation, along with other applications. But I did get out of the office before 10 PM...
Sunday, April 25, 2004
I'm renaming my blog to for fun...
Well, this is my first posting using Gaim-blogger from and all seems to work fine...
Well, still working on getting Blogger and Gaim working together. I think I've got it working now, so may keep up-to-date...
Everyone else has one...

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